Canoeing with
Wild Caribou
1 day: 450,- NOK
1 week: 1 200,- NOK
Extra day: 250,- NOK
Wild nature canoeing
Be Indiana Jones and paddle through the wild, untouched nature, never knowing what you are coming across the next corner. We offer several paddle trips.
Hasle 5230 classic
These canoes are suitable for use in the sea, inland waters and calm rivers. This is an all-round canoe that fits most of the canoe-interested. It's not extreme in any way, and it has the old, good traditional canoe shape.
This canoe is steady, stable and has very good loading capacity. This makes it very suitable for both adults on a large trip or the whole family on excursions.
Lenght 530 cm
Width 88 cm
Weight 36 kg