Peaks in Porsanger
Host: Stabbursnes Naturhus & Museum
Every year Stabbursnes Naturhus and Museum invites hiking enthusiasts to try 11 different nature trails and peaks all around our municipality. Many of them should be acessable for everyone, young and old, but we always recommend to take precautions when walking up the peaks or in the nature. Most of the trails have been marked all the way.
Bringnes, 395 moh
Hestnesfjellet, 189 moh
Silfarfjellet, 357 moh
Časkilvarri, 609 moh
Stalločhokka, 249 moh
Mærdevarri, 488 moh
Nuorttat Njeaiddan, 517 moh
Stuorra Biŋalvarri, 528 moh
Uhca Jeahkir, 273moh
Roddenes natursti
Stabbursnes natur- og kultursti